Health Centre

Northcross Intermediate is equipped to manage minor illnesses and injuries on campus.

Should a student become too ill to participate in classroom activities, our policy is to contact parents for the student’s collection. In case of an accident or serious illness, if parents cannot be reached, the Principal will act “in loco parentis” to arrange necessary medical treatment.

We urge working parents to keep us updated with any changes in contact details and to keep children at home if they are unwell.

To reach our School Nurse, please email Amanda Turner at


From time to time, students may need to bring medicines to school. In such cases, please provide a note, and have your child hand over the medicine to the School Nurse for safekeeping. Asthma inhalers can be kept with the student. However, no other medicines should be brought and retained by students without prior permission.

If you prefer that your child not receive medications like Panadol on request, please indicate this on their enrolment card.

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