Principal’s Message

Kia ora Parents and Whānau,

I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the remarkable achievements of our students throughout this term.

Recently visiting classrooms and speaking to students about their learning, they have once again demonstrated their creativity, curiosity, resilience, and ability to think critically and problem solve through Project-Based Learning (PBL).

Students have been engaged in a variety of PBL projects that have allowed them to apply their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways. For example, a group of students created a device showing how centrifugal forces operate (picture above), another group demonstrated the physics behind arcade games while another group unveiled their identity and cultural background through the symbolism of masks. I am consistently amazed by the creativity and ingenuity of our students. They are not afraid to take risks and try new things. They are also always willing to help their peers, working together to achieve common goals.

I am also very grateful for the ongoing support of our parents and caregivers. Your active involvement in your children’s education has been a key factor in their success. When talking to students about their learning and projects, invariably they mention the encouragement, guidance and support from home. This strong partnership between home and school fosters a shared commitment to academic and personal growth. Thank you.

Our students continue to embrace the spirit of Northcross, demonstrating their passion for learning in all its forms. Not only have they excelled academically, they have also shone in extracurricular activities displaying meaningful participation in school and our community. Congratulations to the team from Room 10 who won the recent National Music Video competition. I believe the organiser of this competition contacted the girls teacher, Miss Smith, concerned about the copywrite of the artist song used by the girls. Miss Smith replied, “the girls actually wrote and composed the music!”

An acknowledgement to Dalveena and Khadija who recently raised over $1000 in a bake sale for young patients recovering at Starship. After a conversation with their parents they were concerned about inadequate funding for Ronald McDonald House Charities, supporting families of sick children to stay near their loved ones. They decided they needed to do something practical to help.

The willingness of students to step outside their comfort zones and explore new avenues of critical and creative problem solving will certainly enrich their Intermediate School experiences and broadened their horizons for their future endeavours

Nga mihi nui


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