Sporting Codes at NX

Northcross Intermediate has a successful sports department that offers a wide variety of teams for our students to join.

Keep checking the Daily Notices for upcoming opportunities and trial dates, or click on a sport below to find out more information and a registration link.

Sports open for registration

Registration Opening Soon

Sports offered by term

Weekly after-school leagues

Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4
* Basketball* Basketball
* Waterpolo
* Hockey
* Netball
Rock ClimbingRock ClimbingRock ClimbingRock Climbing
Table TennisTable TennisTable Tennis
3 on 3 TouchTouch
Indoor FootballIndoor Football

* Teams selected by trial
** Trials if numbers permit
– Not offered this term
Merged cells = Teams and tournamants continue over multiple terms.

Sports Zone Days

Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4
*Cricket# Hockey# Basketball*Athletics
*Futsal*Football*Cross Country*Badminton
*Orienteering*RugbyGymnastics*Beach Volleyball
*SwimmingSquash# NetballDance Sport
*Tag*Table Tennis*Rugby LeagueGolf
*Tennis# Waterpolo*VolleyballSailing
Triathlon  Top Team
   # Touch

* Teams selected via trial
# Top teams and AIMS teams will attend

Competitive one day events

Previous experience is required

Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4
* ChessChessChessChess
* OrienteeringOrienteeringOrienteering
3 x 3 Basketball

* Trials held prior to first event
– Not offered this term

Events in a series

Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4
> Mountain Biking> Mountain Biking> Mountain Biking
> MotoX> MotoX> MotoX> MotoX

* Trials if numbers exceed limits
> Student must belong to a club
– Not offered this term

Cant find your sport?

We also post notices and sporting opportunities from local sports clubs as we become aware of them. Check out our 'Local Sports Club Information' page.