
2025 NX Swimming Trial registration will open Monday 3 February. Registrations close Friday 14 march.

Before your child commits to this sport please read the very important information below. 

If you have any questions or require additional information about Swimming, please email our Sports Department.

Swimming Information

General Info

The NX Swim meet is being held on Wednesday 19 February at Northern Arena.

This event is open to all students. This is a one off event.

Students will be able to choose which events they would like to compete in at registration. This may be freestyle, butterfly, breast stroke, or backstroke.

Please note however that you must be confident in the water and be able to swim 50m without stopping.

Our top swimmers from this event will make our NX Swim Team who will compete at the NH Zone Day. 

Please note: We do not run lessons or a swimming club from Northcross Intermediate, please see your local club. Further information below.

Game times & venue

Game location: 

Northern Arena Silverdale

Game time:  approximately 9-2pm


Girls and Boys:

$25 per player

Please note this fee is non-refundable. 


Registration for our NX Swim Meet will open Monday 3 February,

Registration will be via the NX Online Shop

Registration closes: Friday 14 February

Register Now


The NX swim meet is designed to have those who are competitive swimmers compete against each other.

The top swimmers from this event will make our NX Swim Team who will compete at the NH Zone Day and possibly the wider Auckland Championships.

Selection process

We go through a very thorough selection process to finalise our teams and players will be placed in a team that our selectors have determined best suits their ability and experience. While inevitably there will be some movement of players, both up and down teams, it is important to remember that this movement can be a result of the following factors:

  • New players who didn’t play last year can also create movement for other players, especially if they are placed in a higher team, resulting in other players moving down to a lower team.
  • Individual development and growth over the summer months. If individual players have put in an extra effort and completed additional training over the holiday, this can definitely show during trials, resulting in higher performance on the court and some movement between teams.

We understand that some students will have questions regarding the trial process and eventually the team selection – if your child does, please ask them to see Anna in the sports office.

As per our Sports Selection Policy, no correspondence regarding team selection will be entered into. If you wish to view it, please download the document at the bottom of this page.

Club Information

If your child wish to learn to swim or swim for a club. Please see the links below- not limited to these faculties.

AUT Millennium

Northern Arena

Coaches, managers & umpires

Each XXXXX team will need a coach and manager. If we cannot get enough coaches we will have to reduce the number of teams and unfortunately some children may miss out on playing. If you are interested in being a coach or manager for XXXXX, please indicate this on registration.

All coaches and managers are required to be police vetted by Northcross. If you are keen to take on one of these roles and have not yet been police vetted by our school, please email the Sport Department and we will send you through the relevant forms to fill out.